Paths for young people…

Meeting with T. Polatová (Cesta pro mladé), Dr. Ivana Modena (SUMAS) and Andrea Csirke (Kým čím být?)

At the beginning of May our students met Ms. Tereza Polatová who introduced a new project called Cesta pro mladé (Paths for Young People). This programme enables students to find appropriate work experiences which could help them find out more about the profession they may be considering in the future.

Mid-May, Dr. Ivana Modena visited Open Gate and introduced SUMAS – a Swiss high school concentrated on Business, Management and Sustainability.

At the end of the month, Ms. Andrea Csirke came to introduce a project called Kým čím být?. This project offers opportunities for self-knowledge, meetings with career advisors and also the possibility of trying out a dream profession while shadowing a professional from a student’s chosen field.

I hope that all meetings will help students to choose their future career.

- Lenka Chárová Zahořová -
