Friday News

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Graduates, and Friends of Open Gate.

The mountains are covered with snow, but there’s not even a snowflake to be seen here at Open Gate. Yesterday temperatures were as high as 8 degrees but today the weather is slightly freezing again. And these are the climatic conditions of the third week of January, when another letter from OG comes.

Today, we’ll briefly look at the past five days but also at the events in the close future.

The Monday morning assembly showed us vlogs (video blogs) of some of our students and we could hear them speak in several languages - Spanish, French, and German. Impressive, interesting and fun. Thank you very much!

The Sekunda students went to snowy Šumava for a week, where they enjoyed cross-country skiing. According to all reports they’ve had a great time and today we’re expecting them back.

Also on Monday, Kvarta paid a visit to Terezin for a two-day seminar on the topic of the Holocaust. There will be a report to follow, but you can look at the photos which are on our website already.

Oktáva students have received the IB grades from their mock exams and together which serves aa another signal as to whether they are on the right track or if they need to step up their game in some area to be fully prepared for May.

On Wednesday, a History competition took place, as well as a meeting talking about the possibilities of the KFF Foundation scholarship. Extracurricular activities and academic clubs were in full swing again, and you can read about one of our academic clubs on our website and FB page.

Speaking of our website and FB page, I would like to remind you of a major upcoming event - next week's "Open House Day”! So share it with your acquaintances and inform them about the possibility of a visit.

The end of the semester is near and that also corresponds to the remaining academic program of the week. The pedagogical council is next week, and the week after, students will receive their report cards.

And while we’re talking about upcoming events, I would like to announce to our students’ parents that three more "Cafes" are awaiting us. January the 12th will be dedicated to the IB study, the work of the Counseling Center will be spoken about on March the 5th, and on March the 26th you can learn about post-OG study here and abroad. We will be reminding you these dates often, of course.

It was a demanding week, as we are accustomed to here at OG, and after the weekend, we will energetically enter the next one.

Let me also remind you once again of the Open House Day.

So, until next time,
