Friday news

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Graduates and Friends of Open Gate,

Can Spring really be here at last? It sure looks it!

Last Friday witnessed our ninth Open Gate Maturitni Ples. And what a wonderful occasion that was. Our young ladies in Ball gowns, gentlemen in suits and the theme this year “Moulin Rouge” I venture to moot that the Narodni Dum na Vinohradech has never seen such a colourful and vibrant evening. The atmosphere- engendered by all the traditional Ball activities of students’ dance performances, dances with teachers and parents and House staff, surprise moments provided by both teachers and students, (who would have believed that Mr Murphy could outsing a nightingale), the tombola, auction, - made for a truly unforgettable evening. Thanks to all who had a hand in its organization. Now we look forward to the next Graduation Ball which will be a jubilee tenth anniversary event. Do scan the link:

Mention must be made of our school drama improvisation team (L.I.K.E.) who last week visited Plzen to participate in the Improster competition. A detailed report on the performances with photos of the event can be found on our web pages.

Monday Assembly was taken by Mr Michalik who had the courage to make public his school reports from Primary and Secondary education, his point being that all is not lost even if one’s grades are not always as one might wish them to be! With effort and perseverance all is possible. An inspirational message to our younger ones. On Tuesday the organizer of the Cyber Security Organization came in to school to personally award Mikulas Plesak with the prize for winning the local round of this competition. This was followed by an interesting and informed discussion and presentation of the current Cyber world developments.

On Wednesday Sexta students presented their second- language projects, followed by the mathematics competition Pangea, and yesterday evening the Open Gate Medical Society enjoyed another of their student led forums on all matters scientific. In connection with this praise must go to the team producing our OG Science publication – new issue out now and very enlightening it is too. A most professional magazine, congratulations to all, see if you agree:

The ebullient Mr Chara presented the Senior assembly in his own special extravagant manner much to the delight of all present. The theme – that none of us should fear new technologies, they will not remove the human element from the world of work and employment. In fact the very opposite should optimistically be looked forward to with technology representing a tool and not master.

Today our Kvarta students are on a fact finding mission to the Prague Jewish Museum within the curricular demands of the subject of the holocaust. Naturally all this in English.

After lunch today the teaching staff are attending another professional development workshop, this time the theme devoted to methodologies ensuring positive student motivation techniques. On which note may I wish you all a highly motivated enjoyable sunny weekend. Peter Nitsche.
