Friday news
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Graduates and Friends of Open Gate,
After a short windy spring, almost summer temperatures return to us today ready for the weekend, and together with the sun and the afternoon warmth, there is also a lot of interesting news.
But let's go back to two events from the end of last week.
The exceptionally successful Run and Help was completed by an amazing amount of charity contributions. We raised over 70 000 CZK, thanks, of course, to all donors, regardless of the nominal amount of their contribution. Really thanks a lot; it was a great performance and an incredible result, both ahtletic and financial. The biggest reward, however, is the commentary from the FB ‘Konto Bariéry’ page: You are great! Thanks to all of you Simonka, Michalka, Vašík and Lukáš will be able to run just like you did!
You can also see, share and appreciate our shared experience on YouTube, FB and Instagram OG.
On Saturday, several months of careful preparations ended with the first TEDx Youth Open Gate School event in history. Congratulations to all organizers, speakers and supporters; it was an excellent and professional event. You can view photos and a report now, and videos from the event until the licensing conditions allow it to us in June. (29:04 - 31:03)
A reflective assembly was held on Monday, where members of the TEDx team shared their experiences with all students of the OG community.
Also on Monday, the 23rd Debate League was held, as well as the outstanding performance of our debaters. The OG team, composed of Thea Kratochvilova, Alex Carr, Viktorie Hložkova and Nathan Kratochvila, won the title in the finals of the English section. In the Czech part, another OG student Alexandr Sušič was part of the winning team. More on our FB page, including a link to an article and an interview with our representatives. Big congratulations!
More congratulations to Eliška Hauferová and Honza Hladík, who have successfully participated in the Biology competition, and also to Veronica Vařáková and Pepa Frühauf for the Chemistry competition.
Although it looks like we’re all about competing, we can also find time for other interesting activities. Sekunda students managed to visit the Minor theater and the circus in La Fabrica, the Sexta students went to ČBB this week as part of their Economics project, and Kvinta students participated in the preparatory program for DofE.
What also took place on Wednesdays and Thursdays was the parents evening. For these two days, you could taste some goodies from our students and colleagues and contribute to two more auspicious events: the Rozum a Cit Endowment Fund and the Build a Playground in Banat project. Together we collected about 15,000 CZK; exact numbers will be available soon. With the help of our teachers, students showed some great work, thank you. And according to the atmosphere and feedback from you, parents, both days were incredibly successful. Thanks for your visit and support!
We learn, educate ourselves, play sport, represent, compete, organize, help, bake, volunteer... And we enjoy it.
On Monday, when most of you/us will enjoy the short holiday, international IB exams begin. Oktáva students will not relax even on May 1st, and on Wednesday 2.5, Czech leaving exams will be written as well. We hope that until now, they were so busy with the varied OG life that they are ready to face an extraordinary challenge. Fingers crossed!
Enjoy your weekend and welcome the month of love, with love!
Petr Chára