Páteční pozdrav ze ZŠ
Dear parents,
I hope you have all had a good week and are enjoying the fine weather. It has been glorious to have the sun beaming upon our beautiful school campus all week!
I am sure you have read the information sent yesterday about changes we are making in the English department for the next school year. We are very excited to implement this change and we are sure it will be a very positive change to the learning experience of our students.
I hope that you all enjoyed Blue Van Festival yesterday afternoon. As always, it was a wonderful showcase of the many talents of the students in Open Gate and luckily the thunder storm mostly held off during the festivities.
Unfortunately, there was an accident during Blue Van. Fortunately everything is okay. Today in morning oasis, we met together in the foyer to discuss safety and the importance of taking care every time.
On Monday, Jolana, Monika and class 1 visited the senior home in Mukařov where they spent a lovely morning doing singing and dancing performances. The theme of their performances was cars and it was enjoyed by everybody there!
On Wednesday morning, class 4 went on a lovely cycling trip from Babice, through Mukařov and Louňovice to Jevany. We stopped along the way at the side of the lake for a tasty packed lunch and everybody was in great form! It was great to join them on such a lovely day out organised by Eric Davis.
Next week is Presentation Week in Open Gate Primary School. I am sure we will be treated to many fantastic presentations as we are each year and we are always amazed at how hard the students work on them.
Friday next week is DOKin2019 where the very best of the presentations will be selected for an open day for parents and family to come along and enjoy. Last year it was a great success and we are very much looking forward to this year’s event.
Prezentace budou probíhat v kmenových třídách, seznam témat vyvěsíme na nástěnku v hale ve čtvrtek odpoledne.
Prezentace prvňáků budou k vidění v hale školy.
Ranní oáza – společná v hale školy – 8:30 – 8:50
9 – 9:20 – druháci
9:30 – 10:00 – třeťáci
10.30 – 11:00 – čtvrťáci
11:10 – 11:50 – páťáci
Všichni rodiče a přátelé školy jsou srdečně zváni!
On Wednesday next week, there is a piano concert featuring the students of Stanislava Ramešová. There will be recitals by primary and gymnasium students and I am sure it will be another excellent showcase of the wonderfully talented students we have in Open Gate. The concert will take place in the OG Theatre and it starts at 16.00.
And of course it isn’t long now until School in Nature which students and teachers alike are looking forward to!
I hope you all have a good weekend!
Kind regards,
Luke a celý tým ZŠ